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God's Word is too Powerful to Keep To Yourself....

When God gave His Word to man, He also gave man the responsibility to learn, to understand, and to share its truths.

It is a wonderful gift we have to participate in learning and teaching God’s Word.  By following the studies presented here at the Disciple’s Institute, you will have the tools at hand to teach others with confidence.

Your Guide To Ministry Development

Choose your learning level


Introductory courses provide a strong foundation for your future ministry.


Deeper understanding intended to encourage you in drawing conclusions and creating solutions in ministry.


Tips and techniques to add practical skill to your ministry effort.


Self-guided studies to assist you in creating your own teaching and ministry content.

Meet our President

Rev. Darren J. McMannis graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1980 and from Calvary Bible College in 1986. 

He began teaching Bible studies to his peers at the age of 13 and teaching Sunday School at age 16.  He continued teaching through college, and at age 23 he began teaching evening Bible and Education courses at Carver Baptist Bible Institute in Kansas City.  He has taught Bible at Central Christian High School and at Berean Academy, and has taught Sunday School & served in many Church positions continuously for over 40 years.